I know there's already a version 2.9 of the facebook marketing api, but am still currently using the v2.8, and I am running calls using the sandbox. now my question is, are we allowed to create web custom audience in the sandbox ? I tried to run this snippet in the facebook graph explorer
act_<ACCOUNT ID>/?fields=tos_accepted
I got this result for my sandbox account
"tos_accepted": {
"custom_audience_tos": 1
"id": "act_<my account id>"
but when I tried to run the same query using a non-sandbox account, I got different result
"tos_accepted": {
"custom_audience_tos": 1,
"web_custom_audience_tos": 1
"id": "act_<my account id>"
you see the web_custom_audience_tos property is not in the output when I used a sandbox account
Yes you can create Website Custom Audiences (WCA) using the Sandbox, however you will need to accept the terms & conditions for this.
If you try to create a WCA without accepting them, you'll get something like this:
{"error":{"message":"(#2663) Terms of service has not been accepted. To accept, go to https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/customaudiences\/app\/tos\/?act=ACCOUNT_ID","type":"OAuthException","code":2663,"fbtrace_id":""}}
To accept the TOS, you can go here, replacing the act ID with your Sandbox ID: