tizensamsung-geartizen-studioCannot transfer Tizen App to Smartwatch
The solution was to
Create a Samsung Author and Distribution Certificate
This is also handled in other answers, however I had a hard time following them since they were not complete. Hence once again:
- Install the Samsung Certificate Extension. In TizenStudio, go to "Tools" -> "Package Manager". Navigate to the "Extension SDK"-Tab. If you have troubles, check this.
- Go to "Tools" -> "Certificate Manager". It will now look different than before installing the Extension SDK. Click on "SAMSUNG", then select Mobile/Wearable, then follow the instructions (choose arbitrary name, author, password, ...).
- You will be asked for a Samsung account. If you don't have one, create it, it is rather painless.
- Create a Backup or not, then create a new Distributor Certificate
- You need to add an individual DUID (the one of your device), if your device is connected at this time, it will probably be filled in for you.
- If you need advanced privileges (e.g. you access the heart rate within your app), you need to change the Privilege field from Public to Partner.
- Default values worked for me in the other fields.
- It will prompt that the Certificate was created successfully. Check if the newly created profile is selected (indicated by the tick) Close the Certificate Manager.
- Open the Connection Manager (for me it was already open at the right side of TizenStudio). Right-click on your device and click on the last action "Permit to install applications".
Selecting the correct Version
If I launched the app now, the very same error occurs again.
- In the Project Explorer, open config.xml, then go to the "Tizen"-Tab and change the "Required Version" to 1.0 (2.0 worked for me too).
Finally, I was able to launch the app on the watch.