I have data like this. I want to transform the low
column to integers. For example, if it's 01:23.0
, I want it to be 1*60 + 23 = 83.
How to do this? I've tried udf
but it raised Py4JJavaError
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([
('01:23.0', 'z', 'null'),
('01:23.0', 'z', 'null'),
('01:23.0', 'c', 'null'),
('null', 'null', 'null'),
('01:24.0', 'null', '4.0')],
('low', 'high', 'normal'))
def min2sec(v):
if pd.notnull(v):
return int(v[:2]) * 60 + int(v[3:5])
udf_min2sec = udf(min2sec, IntegerType())
df.withColumn('low', udf_min2sec(df['low'])).show()
You don't need an udf
, you can use built-in functions to arrive at your expected output:
from pyspark.sql.functions import split, col
df.withColumn("test", split(col("low"),":").cast("array<int>")) \
.withColumn("test", col("test")[0]*60 + col("test")[1]).show()
| low|high|normal|test|
|01:23.0| z| null| 83|
|01:23.0| z| null| 83|
|01:23.0| c| null| 83|
| null|null| null|null|
|01:24.0|null| 4.0| 84|