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Set the camera resolution with google vision android

Currently working on a barcode scanner on xamarin android. I am using the google vision API.

    cameraSource = new CameraSource
        .Builder(this, barcodeDetector)
        .SetRequestedPreviewSize(1920, 1080)

This is the code that i'm using to build the camera view. If i understand correctly, SetRequestedPreviewSize is used to display the camera view on the phone. How can i change the resolution that the camera of the phone is using? I couldn't find any answer sadly.


  • How can i change the resolution that the camera of the phone is using?

    You can get the camera's resolution before initializing the CameraSource:

    int numCameras=Camera.getNumberOfCameras();
    for (int i=0;i<numCameras;i++)
        Camera.CameraInfo cameraInfo=new Camera.CameraInfo();
        if (cameraInfo.facing== Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT)
            Camera camera=;
            Camera.Parameters cameraParams=camera.getParameters();
            List<Camera.Size> sizes= cameraParams.getSupportedPreviewSizes();
            int width=sizes.get(0).width;
            int height=sizes.get(0).height;