I have blaze template for city popular places names listing:
<template name="city">
{{#each places}}
and helper from where i trying to get places data from GoogleMaps for template:
places: function() {
if (GoogleMaps.loaded()) {
var places = [];
service.radarSearch(request, function(points) {
points.slice(0, 8).forEach(function(point) {
placeId : point.place_id
}, function(details) {
name: details.name
return places;
But it doesn't work because template rendered before helper array with data is ready. What i should be done to make helper returned data reactive and display this data in template?
Use the onRendered hook to assign results to a reactive variable on the template instance:
import { ReactiveVar } from 'meteor/reactive-var';
Template.city.onRendered(function() {
const self = this;
self.places = new ReactiveVar();
service.radarSearch(request, function(points) {
From there, it's just a matter of returning that reactive variable from the helper:
places: function() {
const tpl = Template.instance();
const places = tpl && tpl.places.get();
return places || [];