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Java method call gives syntax error

Eclipse claims I have a syntax error in my call to a method on an object (quarterOneBudget). I don't understand what makes it say "Syntax error on token 'addCategory', Identifer expected after this token."

public class BudgetSpreadSheetTest {
    // Create a new spreadsheet and add some budget categories.
    BudgetSpreadSheet quarterOneBudget = new BudgetSpreadSheet();


It seems to me like my method call is just fine. I have defined "addCategory" in my BudgetSpreadSheet as follows.

public void addCategory(){
    // Create a new category
    BudgetCategory category = new BudgetCategory();

    // Add it to the array list

    // Update the distribution chart
    this.distributionChart.addItem(category.getName(), category.getSpent());

Does anybody see why I am getting the syntax error?


  • You're trying to make those calls to addCategory() directly inside a class, instead of in a method within the class. You need to put that code either in a method or in an initializer block.