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Bash - change text copied to the clipboard using xclip

I am trying to convert text copied to the clipboard from something like this:


to something like this:


I found this code on the Web:

x="geo:"$(xclip -o | tr -d ' ')
notify-send $x -i info
xclip -selection c

but it just removes the white space. What I need to do is: having +xx.xxxx-yy.yyyy/ in clipboard where x and y are numbers 0 - 9

  • extract the text from the clipboard as an argument
  • cut + from the beginning
  • add geo: in the beginning
  • add xx.xxxx after geo: (no spaces)
  • add , after xx.xxxx (no spaces)
  • add yy.yyyy after , (no spaces)
  • cut / from the end
  • add ,0 to the end (no spaces)
  • return the result to the clipboard

ADDED LATER I figured that out myself. Here is the code that worked:

clipboard_original="$(xclip -o)"
echo "$clipboard_for_digikam_geo" | xclip -selection c


  • This oneliner is basically what you need:

    xclip -o | sed -rne's/\+?(-?[[:digit:].]+)\+?(-?[[:digit:].]+)\//geo:\1,\2,0/p' | xclip -i


    • xclip -o outputs the X selection to the standard output
    • sed <regex> parses the format you gave (ignoring leading +'es) and prints the replacement text
      • -r switch instructs the sed to interpret regular expressions as Extended Regular Expressions (ERE) (quick intro here),
      • -n suppresses the output of (unmatched/unwanted) input -- so we have to explicitly print with the p command (the last letter in sed script)
      • -e script defines the sed script:
        • s/regexp/replacement/ will match regexp in each line of input (only the first occurrence) and replace it with replacement (which can include input groups, like \1). The p in the sed script actually prints the replacement text.
        • regexp (in short) is made up of two identical consecutive subpatterns: <optional +>(<optional -><one or more digits/dot>). Parentheses define a group which we use in the replacement.
    • xclip -i sets X selection from stdin (sed's output)