I can't seem to apply a tax value on the cart total value even though I :
here's attached a screenshot of the on-going problems, I've selected the areas where something's fishy.
So basically, the cart shows "With tax included" but doesn't calculate it neither on the item or the total. The checkout shows some tax calculation in the "Item Ordered" but its total is not the right amount. It's also not displaying in the "total" fieldset.
I changed the templates a bit to make it look a little better but I didn't change all those satchmo filters/tags.
here's the template for base_cart.html
And here's the checkout template (order_details.html)
** I also posted this question on the satchmo google groups but I thought it might be worth it to post it here as well since google has now more than a million stackoverflow pages. :P
I have to make my products taxable using the checkbox and the selectbox in the admin section.
Then to make it calculate the tax only on the cart's total, I just need to uncheck the "Show with tax included" in the Tax Settings.