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Using firebase-query with Polymerfire?

Before anyone makes a comment about me not trying to figure things out on my own.

I have read through those firebase docs ( about 3 times today. I also read through the source code ( e.g. about 3 times today.

I essentially have data setup like this:

Logs: {
$uid: {

Users: {

Groups: {
admin: {
members: {
users: {
members: {

I’m trying to use firebase-query like this:

      app-name="Nuclear Medicine Log"
      orderByChild="Authorized User"
      equalTo="{"[[user.displayName]]":"Authorized User"}

Essentially, within the logMetaData, there is a key called Authorized User and I want to match the user.displayName to the values for the Authorized User.

I would like to define path="Logs/[[uid]/[[logId]]" but I’m not sure how I would have uid or logID defined (or pre-defined) as properties, since there are so many entries that vary. The uid is a scramble of letters and numbers, while the logID are timestamps

I’m not sure if orderByChild traverses multiple levels that are deep to the root.


  • Polymer attributes don't follow camel case naming. So orderByChild should be order-by-child. And equalTo should be equal-to.