New to Scss/Sass
I am attempting to use a mixin to structure a media query on the fly. I am doing this more as a test to pass the variable later in the particular module.scss file, but I am getting a strange error.
Here is my mixin code:
@mixin breakPoint($length){
@media (max-width: $length){
Once in the mod file, I am attempting to write something like the following:
height: inherit;
width: 853px;
margin: 0 auto;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
@include breakPoint(916px)
width: 90vw;
But, when I save/process the file, I get the following error: "Error No mixin named break backtrace: ..//[...]"
When I check the mixin.css page, nothing is being logged, so I am failing to pass something, I just don't know what.
Here is my overall style page, in case, perhaps, I am missing something there as well:
@import "Mods/_base";
@import "Mods/_headerAndNav";
@import "Mods/_mainContent";
@import "Mods/_mixins";
to use any mixin
you need to make sure that your mixin files are already loaded , so if you use a mixin in _maincontent
, given your overall SASS file, it will give an error, so do something like this:
@import "Mods/base",
@import "Mods/mixins",