I have been using PyEphem for quite a while, but since a few days (maybe weeks?) ago, one of my scripts won't work anymore. The script calculates among other things the rise and set times of asteroids, which I create from orbital elements using CALLHORIZONS
. I figured out that PyEphem does not properly calculate the asteroids' elevation - however, it properly calculates the elevation for the Sun.
Here is a minimal script:
import ephem
import numpy
import callhorizons
this_target = '3552'
body = callhorizons.query(this_target)
this_target = body.export2pyephem()[0]
### works fine for the Sun
#this_target = ephem.Sun()
date = ephem.now()
obs = ephem.Observer()
obs.epoch = 2000.0
obs.lon = -111.653152/180.*numpy.pi
obs.lat = 35.184108/180.*numpy.pi
obs.elevation = 2738 # m
obs.date = date
obs.horizon = 0.
# if target is '3552', this_target.alt stays constant
for time in numpy.arange(date, date+1, 0.1):
obs.date = time
print time, this_target.alt, this_target.ra
### if this_target is '3552', this results in a segmentation fault
print obs.next_rising(this_target)
Using the self-defined target (3552
in this case), PyEphem won't calculate the target's elevation and hence run into a Segmentation fault when trying to derive the rise/set times of this target.
I tried installing the latest version of PyEphem (, but it didn't help. Can anyone replicate (explain?) this error?
Triggered by R. J. Mathar's answer, I looked into this again and found that the issue has disappeared. I now get the correct result using Python 2.7 and 3.5; both using PyEphem
I would love to provide some more insight into what the problem was, but I have no idea. I am not sure if anything important changed on my system. It seems to be caused by some kind of installation issue.