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LDAP users are not getting listed under WebSphere manage user?

I am doing LDAP with websphere setup. I did all the priamary setps in the DN am using OU=Users, O= O=IN. for the federated repository in websphere for PersonAccount i gave the same DN name and in filters i used (objectclass=user). But in the manage user, no user is getting listed.


  • Turn on the following trace:*=all.

    Restart your server. Go to admin console and click Manage Users.

    Look in the logs for "JNDI_CALL search"

    You will see the filter being used, eg. (&(objectClass=inetorgperson)(uid=*)) and the baseDn being searched on. Verify these are correct by comparing to your ldif of a user you expect to see or by using the ldapsearch utility. It is probably not correct, so take action to fix the filter.