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Firebase CLI is not authenticating because Google account is not retaining authorization

I just downloaded the Firebase CLI (through firebase-tools NPM module) and I'm trying to firebase login. Each time I'm redirected to my browser where I give the Firebase CLI app permissions to my account and I keep getting a screen saying "Firebase CLI Login Failed":

Firebase CLI Login Failed

I've tried running firebase login --no-localhost and that also doesn't seem to work.

Firebase --no-localhost command line

When I look at my Google Account OAuth authorizations (, Firebase is not listed. It's as if Google isn't saving my option to allow the Firebase CLI app when I click "Allow" on this screen.

enter image description here

I've tried this on two different Internet connections with two different Google accounts (one Gmail and on G Suite) and the results are the same. Is there anything I'm missing?


  • After some more troubleshooting and research I found that Firebase CLI will not authenticate or deploy properly if your computer is behind a proxy. This is a known issue on GitHub. I had a program installed on my computer that monitors all my Internet traffic and it does so using a proxy. Once I uninstalled that program, Firebase CLI was able to authenticate and deploy without an issue.