We have a system where customer information is editable in-line. When someone puts in an email that already exists, I want to return the error message:
Email already exists. <a href='/find-duplicates/id'>Click here to find possible duplicates of this customer</a>
I would like the user to be able to click on the link when s/he sees the error message. The error message is very easy to send; it's rendering the html that's the problem.
Trying to display same kind of link in x-editable field error as @iateadonut.
For anyone wanting to display html in x-editable errors, assuming you have the error with html sent back from server with response status code different from 500 (400 maybe) try :
$(function() {
error: function(response, newValue) {
if(response.status === 500) {
return 'Service unavailable. Please try later.';
} else {
var error = $.parseHTML( response.responseText )
Mostly html parsing response error and injecting it inside x-editable error block. Found in x-editable doc, options.