I have a password field in my login screen. For some reason when i type in the correct password which is "u123" it gives me the incorrect password error message even though it is correct. Why is it doing this.
The code i have below:
btnLogin = new JButton("Login");
btnLogin.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
char[] userInput = passwordField.getPassword();
char[] correctPassword = { 'u', '1', '2', '3'};
if (userInput.equals(correctPassword)) {
"Success! You typed the right password.");
} else {
"Invalid password. Try again.",
"Error Message",
I know this may not be the best way of doing the password check but I'm just a beginner and just trying to get some practice.
Your code has :
char[] userInput = passwordField.getPassword();
char[] correctPassword = { 'u', '1', '2', '3'};
It's two different arrays of characters.
So this test returns false :
if (userInput.equals(correctPassword))
Instead, try to use the Arrays.equals() method
if (Arrays.equals(userInput, correctPassword)) { ... }