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How to edit GUI elements on a specific frame in VB6

How I can get access to the nested controls of a control?

I have serveral frames on my user interface and every frame contains serveral other controls (like labels, buttons, ...). I have to iterate over the frames and change content of the children of a specific frame (e.g. set another text in a label).

So far I iterate over all controls of my frame and I check if the control in the loop control variable is the frame where the changes should be.

Dim cntrl As Control
For Each cntrl In Controls
  'Debug.Print cntrl.Name  // here I get all controls on the form
  If cntrl.Name = "Frame_Name" Then
    If cntrl.Index = index Then
      Debug.Print "true" ' here the caption of nested components should be changed 
    End If
  End If

Now I have the frame in the control variable but the problem is that I get no access to the nested label to change the label's caption. What can I do?


  • You need to look at the Container property of each control. The following code should give you the idea:

    Dim cntrl As Control
    For Each cntrl In Controls
       If cntrl.Container.Name = "Frame_Name" Then
          Debug.Print cntrl.Name & " is nested in the specified frame"
       End If