Anyone known if exist some way to check if exist one update available on App Store??
I want notify to user the new updates on my application begins...
Just use ATAppUpdater, it is 1 line, thread-safe and fast. It also have delegate methods if you would like to track user action. Here is an example:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[[ATAppUpdater sharedUpdater] showUpdateWithConfirmation]; // 1 line of code
/////////////////////// OR ///////////////////////
[[ATAppUpdater sharedUpdater] showUpdateWithForce]; // 1 line of code
return YES;
Delegate methods:
- (void)appUpdaterDidShowUpdateDialog;
- (void)appUpdaterUserDidLaunchAppStore;
- (void)appUpdaterUserDidCancel;