My file contains
roll_number : someNumber ; name(mixOfcharactersAndNumbers) filePathInLinux
such as
roll_number : 81 ; name(JOHN_23_CARTER) /home/directory/johnc
roll_number : 22 ; name(michael21_Lee) /home/directory/mhlee
My regexp was
regexp {.*name([a-zA-Z0-9]+.*} $line match name
regexp {.*name(.*).*} $line match name
It seems like due to mix of both number and character I am not able regexp correctly, am I missing something here?
The main issues are that you did not escape (
char and did not account for the _
char in your first regex. Also, you do not need to match the whole input, it is not necessary with TCL regex that allows partial matches, i.e. matching shorter substrings inside longer ones.
Just match name(
(with name\(
) and then capture into Group 1 one or more word chars (with (\w+)
set a "roll_number : 81 ; name(JOHN_23_CARTER) /home/directory/johnc"
regexp {name\((\w+)} $a - name
See this TCL demo printing JOHN_23_CARTER
Also, see an online regex demo.