I have an array of coordinate objects, and want to connect these (in the order they are) as a Polyline in Mapkit in Swift 3. How do I go about doing this? Here is my data structure
List<Location> (
[0] Location {
lat = 37.33477977;
long = -122.03369603;
[1] Location {
lat = 37.33477977;
long = -122.03369603;
[2] Location {
lat = 37.33477977;
long = -122.03369603;
[3] Location {
lat = 37.33305632;
long = -122.05318781;
[4] Location {
lat = 37.33298105;
long = -122.0535463;
The previous discussions on this topic are now outdated.
You have to convert it to an array of [CLLocation]
have a look at this similar question:
var locations = [CLLocation(latitude: 37.582691, longitude: 127.011186), CLLocation(latitude: 37.586112,longitude: 127.011047), CLLocation(latitude: 37.588212, longitude: 127.010438)]
var coordinates = locations.map({(location: CLLocation) -> CLLocationCoordinate2D in return location.coordinate})
var polyline = MKPolyline(coordinates: &coordinates, count: locations.count)