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Create multiple QwtPlotCurve dynamically

I have a QStringList (m_NameList) which contains 4 elements in it. For each string, I create a QwtPlotCurve (QMap < QString, QwtPlotCurve*> m_NamePlotC;) and set different Pens for each plotCurve:

for(unsigned int i= 0; i< m_NameList.count(); ++i)
  QwtText title(;

  m_NamePlotC[]= new QwtPlotCurve();

  if(i== 0)
    m_NamePlotC[]->setPen(QPen(Qt::green, 1, Qt::DashLine));
  else if(i== 1)
    m_NamePlotC[]->setPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 1, Qt::DashLine));
  else if(i== 2)
    m_NamePlotC[]->setPen(QPen(Qt::cyan, 1, Qt::DashLine));
  else if(i== 3)
    m_NamePlotC[]->setPen(QPen(Qt::yellow, 1, Qt::DashLine));

  m_NamePlotC[]->setRenderHint(QwtPlotItem::RenderAntialiased, true);

My problem is with the getting rid of if-statements. Is there any creative way that I set pens dynamically based on the number of QStringList elements with different color for each element in my QStringList, without using ifs?

Thank you!


  • It seems that in each line, the only thing changing is the colour. You can maintain a list of colours, let's call it coloursList and then replace the ifs by

    m_NamePlotC[]->setPen(QPen(coloursList[i], 1, Qt::DashLine));

    I'm not sure which language you have used, so my indexing syntax may be a bit off, but I hope the logic is clear.