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How does work with shell=False?

I am using Python's subprocess module to call some Linux command line functions. The documentation explains the shell=True argument as

If shell is True, the specified command will be executed through the shell

There are two examples, which seem the same to me from a descriptive viewpoint (i.e. both of them call some command-line command), but one of them uses shell=True and the other does not

>>>["ls", "-l"])

>>>"exit 1", shell=True)

My question is:

  • What does running the command with shell=False do, in contrast to shell=True?
  • I was under the impression that and check_call and check_output all must execute the argument through the shell. In other words, how can it possibly not execute the argument through the shell?

It would also be helpful to get some examples of:

  • Things that can be done with shell=True that can't be done with shell=False and why they can't be done.
  • Vice versa (although it seems that there are no such examples)
  • Things for which it does not matter whether shell=True or False and why it doesn't matter


  • UNIX programs start each other with the following three calls, or derivatives/equivalents thereto:

    • fork() - Create a new copy of yourself.
    • exec() - Replace yourself with a different program (do this if you're the copy!).
    • wait() - Wait for another process to finish (optional, if not running in background).

    Thus, with shell=False, you do just that (as Python-syntax pseudocode below -- exclude the wait() if not a blocking invocation such as

    pid = fork()
    if pid == 0: # we're the child process, not the parent
      execlp("ls", "ls", "-l", NUL);
      retval = wait(pid) # we're the parent; wait for the child to exit & get its exit status

    whereas with shell=True, you do this:

    pid = fork()
    if pid == 0:
      execlp("sh", "sh", "-c", "ls -l", NUL);
      retval = wait(pid)

    Note that with shell=False, the command we executed was ls, whereas with shell=True, the command we executed was sh.

    That is to say:

    subprocess.Popen(foo, shell=True)

    is exactly the same as:

      ["sh", "-c"] + ([foo] if isinstance(foo, basestring) else foo),

    That is to say, you execute a copy of /bin/sh, and direct that copy of /bin/sh to parse the string into an argument list and execute ls -l itself.

    So, why would you use shell=True?

    • You're invoking a shell builtin.

      For instance, the exit command is actually part of the shell itself, rather than an external command. That said, this is a fairly small set of commands, and it's rare for them to be useful in the context of a shell instance that only exists for the duration of a single invocation.

    • You have some code with shell constructs (ie. redirections) that would be difficult to emulate without it.

      If, for instance, your command is cat one two >three, the syntax >three is a redirection: It's not an argument to cat, but an instruction to the shell to set stdout=open('three', 'w') when running the command ['cat', 'one', 'two']. If you don't want to deal with redirections and pipelines yourself, you need a shell to do it.

      A slightly trickier case is cat foo bar | baz. To do that without a shell, you need to start both sides of the pipeline yourself: p1 = Popen(['cat', 'foo', 'bar'], stdout=PIPE), p2=Popen(['baz'], stdin=p1.stdout).

    • You don't give a damn about security bugs.

      ...okay, that's a little bit too strong, but not by much. Using shell=True is dangerous. You can't do this: Popen('cat -- %s' % (filename,), shell=True) without a shell injection vulnerability: If your code were ever invoked with a filename containing $(rm -rf ~), you'd have a very bad day. On the other hand, ['cat', '--', filename] is safe with all possible filenames: The filename is purely data, not parsed as source code by a shell or anything else.

      It is possible to write safe scripts in shell, but you need to be careful about it. Consider the following:

        filenames = ['file1', 'file2'] # these can be user-provided
        subprocess.Popen(['cat -- "$@" | baz', '_'] + filenames, shell=True)

      That code is safe (well -- as safe as letting a user read any file they want ever is), because it's passing your filenames out-of-band from your script code -- but it's safe only because the string being passed to the shell is fixed and hardcoded, and the parameterized content is external variables (the filenames list). And even then, it's "safe" only to a point -- a bug like Shellshock that triggers on shell initialization would impact it as much as anything else.