Using ℕ
and _≟_
from the standard library, I have
open import Data.Nat
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary
foo : ℕ -> ℕ -> ℕ
foo x y with x ≟ y
foo x .x | yes refl = x
foo x y | no contra = y
data Bar : ℕ -> Set where
bar : (x : ℕ) -> Bar (foo x x)
I want to implement
mkBar : (x : ℕ) -> Bar x
mkBar x = bar x
Agda complains,
Type mismatch:
expected: x
actual: foo x x | x ≟ x
when checking that the expression bar x
has type Bar x
This makes sense to me: Agda doesn't know a priori that x ≟ x
always evaluates to yes refl
, so it's not going to evaluate foo x x
until it knows a bit more about x
So I tried rewriting the goal to force x ≟ x
to resolve to yes refl
eq-refl : forall x -> (x ≟ x) ≡ yes refl
eq-refl x with x ≟ x
eq-refl x | yes refl = refl
eq-refl x | no contra = ⊥-elim (contra refl)
mkBar : (x : ℕ) -> Bar x
mkBar x rewrite eq-refl x = bar x
but to no avail. Same error message. I also tried rewriting by foo x x ≡ x
foo-eq : forall x -> foo x x ≡ x
foo-eq x rewrite eq-refl x = refl
mkBar : (x : ℕ) -> Bar x
mkBar x rewrite foo-eq x = bar x
This answer suggests pattern matching on x ≟ x
on the left hand side of mkBar
, but it also seems to have no effect:
mkBar : (x : ℕ) -> Bar x
mkBar x with x ≟ x
mkBar x | yes refl = bar x
mkBar x | no contra = ⊥-elim (contra refl)
I must be missing a trick here. How do I get rid of the |
in the goal type and make foo x x
reduce to x
? (I'd prefer not to examine x
directly in the LHS of mkBar
You were almost there: the important thing to notice is that rewrite
takes an x ≡ y
and replaces x
by y
in the goal. foo-eq x
has type foo x x ≡ x
but there is no foo x x
to replace in the goal!
What you need to do is rewrite by sym (foo-eq x)
like so:
mkBar : (x : ℕ) → Bar x
mkBar x rewrite sym (foo-eq x) = bar x
Bar x
then becomes Bar (foo x x)
meaning you can apply your constructor.