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How to list all the tickets for a specific machine via SLCLI

Is there a way to list down all the tickets associated with a host via slcli. I tried slcli -ticket -list but that does not list all the tickets and o/p does not have hostname.

I also tried

slcli ticket list --closed

but tht fails with below error.

#slcli ticket list --closed

SoftLayerAPIError(SOAP-ENV:Server): Internal Error



  • The exception that you got, could be due to a lot of data that the request is trying to get

    Using SLCLI, you can increase the timeout

    slcli setup 

    Option (timeout)

    or using a result limit (unfortunately, for this, it's necessary to use call-api command)below an example:

    slcli call-api Account getClosedTickets --limit 50

    How to list all the tickets for a specific machine via SLCLI

    It's necessary use "call-api" command for this.

    • For Virtual Guests:

    a) Id:

    slcli call-api Account getTickets -f

    b) Hostname:

    slcli call-api Account getTickets -f tickets.attachedVirtualGuests.hostname=testDomain
    • For Baremetals/Hardware:

    a) Id:

    slcli call-api Account getTickets -f

    b) Hostname:

    slcli call-api Account getTickets -f tickets.attachedHardware.hostname=testDomain

    This is the only way through SLCLI, if you would like something more automatic, it's necessary to use an script