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C++ library header not found

I am OS X user and I've recently installed "cppunit" library using brew. When I try to compile "test.cpp" file using TestCase.h header the error occurs:

> test.cpp:3:10: fatal error: 'TestCase.h' file not found
>     #include "TestCase.h"

I am compiling this file:


#include <iostream>

#include "TestCase.h"

using namespace CppUnit;

class EmptyTest : public TestCase



int main()


Using this command:

g++ -Wall -pedantic -std=c++14 test.cpp -o test.x -lcppunit

I've also tried compiling with -I giving the path to the library directory but still with the same error. All my friends using cppunit and brew can simply include the header and the program works fine.

I would appreciate every answer.


  • I've solved this problem. I had issues with Xcode. Reinstall works fine.