I have declared a role ability in the cancancan gem (rails 5, postgres, devise):
can [:update, :show, :destroy, :index], SalesDatum do |datum|
datum.try(:user_id) == user.id #the ids just access the id's from the user object that is passed into can can and from the table
has a user_id
This works on the show actions, because I can only show
the SalesDatum that has the logged in user_id
For example:
http://localhost:8080/projects/19/sales_data/961 correctly gets authenticated because the logged in user_id matches the user_id on the sales_data
http://localhost:8080/projects/19/sales_data/800 correctly does not get authenticated because the logged in user_id does not match the user_id on the sales_data
However when I go to the get index action:
it shows all of the sales data from the @sales_data
variable. So, it would show the data.id 800 and 961.
sales data controller:
def index
@sales_data = SalesDatum.where(project_id:params[:project_id])
How do I get the index action to only show the data with the relevant user_id? Isn't cancan supposed to filter that according to the user_id
You need to define the rule with the hash syntax.
can [:update, :show, :destroy, :index], SalesDatum, user_id: user.id
you may also want to define the edit
action and therefore:
can [:edit, :update, :show, :destroy, :index], SalesDatum, user_id: user.id
which can be simplified into:
can :manage, SalesDatum, user_id: user.id
if SalesDatum has a belongs_to :user
defined you can also write:
can :manage, SalesDatum, user: user