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Error: could not find function "list_spark_kernels"

I'm following a tutorial to access spark from RStudio on Data Science Experience. However, a function listed in the tutorial is not available:

> list_spark_kernels()
Error: could not find function "list_spark_kernels"

I have the files config.yml and .Rprofile in my home folder:

> dir(all.files = TRUE)
 [1] "."                  ".."                 ".pki"               ".Rhistory"          ".Rprofile"         
 [6] ".rstudio"           "config.yml"         "ibm-sparkaas-demos" "lost+found"         "R"   

I've also tried sourcing my .Rprofile but that did not work:

>  source(".Rprofile")
> list_spark_kernels()
Error: could not find function "list_spark_kernels"

I tried the list_spark_kernels() function earlier today and it worked fine.


  • In case, anyone faces list_spark_kernels() not found.

    Please remove.packages("sparklyr") from rstudio console and then restart rstudio.

    Restart will reinstall sparklyr created for connecting to spark service.

    Thanks, Charles.