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How to find the coordinates of all internal edges of a 3D mesh?

I have a 3D image with dimensions specified, and with the code as follows:

% input image
imageSizeY = 30;
imageSizeX = 20;
imageSizeZ = 5;

% obtain size of internal vertices
ny = imageSizeY - 1;
nx = imageSizeX - 1;
nz = imageSizeZ - 1;

% generate 3D mesh (image coordinate system)
[columnsInImage, rowsInImage, pagesInImage] = meshgrid(1:nx, 1:ny, 1:nz);

% obtain coordinates of vertices
vertexCoords = [rowsInImage(:), columnsInImage(:), pagesInImage(:)];

% obtain count of vertices (from top to bottom)
countVertex= ny*(vertexCoords(:,2) - 1) + vertexCoords(:,1) + ny*nx*(vertexCoords(:,3)-1);

enter image description here

In the attached image, the internal vertices are marked dots while the edges are marked x

I have been able to find the coordinates of all the internal vertices (from top to bottom) of the image as shown in the code. I however will need to find the coordinates of all edges but I am not sure I know exactly how to go about achieving this.

Recent figure


  • Because it's a regular grid, I used logical operations on the coordinates to find their min's and max's:

    % deal vertexes into xyz coordinates
    [y,x,z] = deal(vertexCoords(:,1),vertexCoords(:,2),vertexCoords(:,3));
    nv = numel(x); % number of vertexes
    allV = (1:nv).'; % indexes of all vertexes
    % compute cube edges indexes => edge = [point1,point2]
    edgeIdxs1 = [allV(y < ny),allV(y < ny) + 1];
    edgeIdxs2 = [allV(x < nx),allV(x < nx) + ny];
    edgeIdxs3 = [allV(z < nz),allV(z < nz) + ny*nx];
    edgeIdxs = [edgeIdxs1;edgeIdxs2;edgeIdxs3];
    % xyz coordinates of the edges
    xEdges = [x(edgeIdxs(:,1)),x(edgeIdxs(:,2))];
    yEdges = [y(edgeIdxs(:,1)),y(edgeIdxs(:,2))];
    zEdges = [z(edgeIdxs(:,1)),z(edgeIdxs(:,2))];
    % "outer" edges (as defined by you) 
    outerEdges = all(xEdges == nx,2) | all(xEdges == 1,2) ...
        | all(yEdges == ny,2) | all(yEdges == 1,2) ...
        | all(zEdges == nz,2) | all(zEdges == 1,2);
    % "inner" edges indexes
    innerEdges = ~outerEdges;
    innerEdgeIdxs = edgeIdxs(innerEdges,:);
    % xyz coordinates of the inner edges (to plot x on their middle)
    xInnerEdges = [x(innerEdgeIdxs(:,1)),x(innerEdgeIdxs(:,2))];
    yInnerEdges = [y(innerEdgeIdxs(:,1)),y(innerEdgeIdxs(:,2))];
    zInnerEdges = [z(innerEdgeIdxs(:,1)),z(innerEdgeIdxs(:,2))];
    % "outer" vertexes indexes
    outerVertexes = (x == nx | x == 1) | (y == ny | y == 1) | (z == nz | z == 1);
    % "inner" vertexes indexes (to plot o on them)
    innerVertexes = ~outerVertexes;
    % plot all edges
    hold on
    % plot x's
    % plot o's
    axis equal

    this is an example with:

    % input image
    imageSizeY = 5;
    imageSizeX = 5;
    imageSizeZ = 5;

    enter image description here