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ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError: unknown attribute 'status' for Recording

when i write in cmd "rake db:seed", then i got this error:

rake aborted!

ActiveModel::UnknownAttributeError: unknown attribute 'status' for Recording. G:/program/Rails/weather/db/seeds.rb:2:in `' Tasks: TOP => db:seed (See full trace by running task with --trace)

That is my "seeds.rb" code

`l = Location.create(name: "New York City")
 l.recordings.create(temp: 32, status: "cloudy")
 l.recordings.create(temp: 34, status: "rainy")
 l.recordings.create(temp: 30, status: "rainy")
 l.recordings.create(temp: 28, status: "cloudy")
 l.recordings.create(temp: 22, status: "sunny")`


  • You are missing status attribute in your migration for Recording model.

    Follow these steps from terminal:

    # add `status` column in `recordings` table
    rails generate migration AddStatusToRecording status:string
    rake db:migrate
    # seed the data into the db
    rake db:seed

    Hope it will help.