I have two types of documents with a relation one to many and I need to get only one document basing on the latest date value. Here it is an example:
Document Type (Singer):
Document Type (Album1):
"name":"Amazing night",
"creationDate": "2017-05-12T07:57:51.458Z"
Document Type (Album2):
"name":"Be quiet",
"creationDate": "2017-05-11T13:43:05.580Z"
Well, I need to get a list of Singers with only one album (which was the last added, basing on creationDate
). In my case I have to get singer "Paul" and the album "Amazing night". Is this either possible?
If You need Album document use the following query.
SELECT singer, MAX([a.creationDate, a])[1] latestAlbum
FROM default a
GROUP by a.author
LETTING singer = (SELECT RAW s.name FROM default s USE KEYS a.author)[0];