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Applying custom request options for a remote SPARQL connector in dotNetRdf

I'm trying to add custom headers to the HTTP requsets a SPARQL endpoint connector issues. The connector can use a custom remote endpoint, which inherits an ApplyCustomRequestOptions method I can override. Documentation for that method says

[...] add any additional custom request options/headers to the request.

However my overridden method is never called (so my custom options are not applied, so I can't add the headers).

The following code works as expected, except that my ApplyCustomRequestOptions is never invoked:

using System;
using System.Net;
using VDS.RDF.Query;
using VDS.RDF.Storage;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var endpointUri = new Uri("");

        var endpoint = new CustomEndpoint(endpointUri);

        using (var connector = new SparqlConnector(endpoint))
            var result = connector.Query("SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 1");

public class CustomEndpoint : SparqlRemoteEndpoint
    public CustomEndpoint(Uri endpointUri) : base(endpointUri) { }

    protected override void ApplyCustomRequestOptions(HttpWebRequest httpRequest)
        // This is never executed.
        // Implementation omitted.

Is this the correct way to use these methods? If it isn't, what is it?

BTW this is dotNetRdf 1.0.12, .NET 4.6.1. I've tried multiple SPARQL endpoints, multiple queries (SELECT & CONSTRUCT) and multiple invocations of SparqlConnector.Query.


  • This is a bug. I've found the problem and fixed it and submitted a PR. You can track the status of the issue here: