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Cleartext Password with XMLSerialization

I'm communicating with a Third-Party Web Service using XML. Everything is working fine, except that our Security scanner is reporting a few CWE-216 flaws.

The password is indeed stored in memory within a LoginDetails class similar to below (Simplified for examples sake)

public class LoginDetails
    public string Login { get; set; }
    public string Password { get; set; }

The third-party requires the password to be sent in clear-text. So unfortunately I have no choice in the matter here. What I want to do is ensure that the field is stored securely and/or removed from memory as soon as possible when it has been used.

In terms of remediation I have attempted the use of both SecureString -for obvious reasons- and using StringBuilder as this negates the immutability. I have also tried to implement IDisposable on the LoginDetails class. This consisted of setting the two properties to null. I was then lead to various discussions (particularly this one) stating that it's not really of much benefit.

The problem is, when changing the Password fields type to SecureString or StringBuilder - They aren't serialized correctly - and therefore the request fails at the third-party. Is there any way I can override the XMLSerializer to process these types differently - so they are stored somewhat more securely in memory on our side, but transmitted in clear-text to the third-party - Or is the whole attempt pointless on the basis that these attempts at security won't be implemented on both sides?

Alternatively is there anything I have completely overlooked?

Many Thanks


  • To get around this I created a custom type named SerializableSecureString implementing both IXmlSerializable and IDisposable.

    Hope the following helps someone out in the future!


    The type contains a private SecureString member variable, and a private string property which is used for the serialization.

    private readonly SecureString Content = new SecureString();
    private string Value { }

    The get for the private string property unwraps the private member variable as follows...

        IntPtr bstr = Marshal.SecureStringToBSTR(Content);
        string copiedText = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(bstr);
        return copiedText;

    There are two constructors. An empty constructor used solely by .Net for Serialization...

    public SerializableSecureString()

    ...and another for actual construction of the type. It takes a cleartext string and packages it up into the SecureString variable like so...

    public SerializableSecureString(string clearText)
        if (clearText != null)
            foreach (char t in clearText)

    The serialization happens in the implementation of IXmlSerializable in the WriteXml function. It uses WriteString to write out the value of the private string property (Value)...

    public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)

    To dispose the SecureString value, I implemented the Dispose method within the IDisposable pattern and called Content.Dispose()


    I can create an instance of the LoginDetails class (as quoted in the question) as follows...

    LoginDetails loginDetails = new LoginDetails
        Login = "MyUsername",
        Password = new SerializableSecureString(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MyPassword"])

    The password is stored in an encrypted section of the web.config file - hence the use of WebConfigurationManager.

    After use, the data can be disposed within a finally block like the following
