I creating TabItems dynamically. Inside TabItem I want to add TextBox.
How can I set up position of TextBox?
GenerateTabControlModel gtcm = new GenerateTabControlModel();
for (int x = 0; x <= gtcm.getTabNumber();x++)
TabItem tab = new TabItem();
tab.Header = x.ToString();
tab.Width = 30;
tab.Height = 20;
string sometext = "tab number: " + x.ToString();
TextBox tb = new TextBox();
tb.Text = sometext;
tb.Height = 25;
tb.Width = 120;
tab.Content = tb;
Using Margin
property. Let's say you want to position your TextBox
at { X: 20, Y: 35 }
tb.Margin = new Thickness (20, 35, 0, 0);
Alternatively if it's parent is Canvas
you can use Canvas.Left
and Canvas.Top
properties :
Cavnas.SetLeft(tb, 20);
Canvas.SetTop(tb, 35);
Another alternative is to use RenderTransform
or LayoutTransform
and set TranslateTransform
into these properties :
tb.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform(20, 35);