For e2e tests, I use Testcafe that allows run tests on remote devices. To start tests on remote devices I must enter a generated by Testcafe URL in a remote browser. Can anybody suggest a solution when I can remotely start a browser and tell it to go to a particular URL?
Maybe someone who works with Karma can suggest a solution?
Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately, TestCafe doesn't support this out of the box. But maybe the following ideas will help you:
Start SSH or Telnet server on the remote machine. Then write a script that will start a browser via SSH/Telnet. The test url will be passed as the second argument. Then use path
provider to start the script. Visit this thread to know how to start browser via script with TestCafe.
Implement a backend service that will be installed on the remote machine and will start browser by REST API or RPC, e.g. for node you can look at express (For REST), dnode (for RPC) and testcafe-browser-tools(for starting browsers). Then implement a Browser Provider frontend that will proxy all Browser Provider API requests and send them you to your backend.