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Realm + Object Mapper + SwityJSON

I need help in mapping my object

Realm Model:

This is how I'm doing

    // write request result to realm database
    let entries = json["data"]
        let entry: ChatGroups = Mapper<ChatGroups>().map(JSONObject: entries)!
        realm.add(entry, update: true)

    do {
        try realm.commitWrite()
    } catch {


JSON Response:

But i'm getting error fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value

Please help me out with what I'm doing wrong.


  • Create a class to transform Array to List, because the Realm doesn't accept arrays.

    import ObjectMapper
    import RealmSwift
    public class ListTransform<T:RealmSwift.Object> : TransformType where T:Mappable {
        public typealias Object = List<T>
        public typealias JSON = [AnyObject]
        let mapper = Mapper<T>()
        public init(){}
        public func transformFromJSON(_ value: Any?) -> Object? {
            let results = List<T>()
            if let value = value as? [AnyObject] {
                for json in value {
                    if let obj = json) {
            return results
        public func transformToJSON(_ value: Object?) -> JSON? {
            var results = [AnyObject]()
            if let value = value {
                for obj in value {
                    let json = mapper.toJSON(obj)
                    results.append(json as AnyObject)
            return results

    Then in your ChatGroups class you have to call the Transform function to make the transformation, make this change:

    updated_by              <- map["updated_by"]
    members                 <- map["member"]

    to this:

    updated_by              <- (map["updated_by"], ListTransform<QuorgUser>())
    members                 <- (map["member"], ListTransform<GroupMember>())