I have an array of farmer and their related crops and also crop related images. I want that array to farmer array with their related crops with image. I have to unique farmer and related crops can be different object in farmer array. I use below query:
$q = $this->db->select("farmer_master.*, state_master.name as state_name,
district_master.name as district_name,
taluka_master.name as taluka_name, farmer_crop.crop_id
AS crops, farmer_crop.acre AS acres, crop_master.name as
crop_name, GROUP_CONCAT(farmer_crop_images.crop_image)
as crops_images")
->join("farmer_crop", "farmer_crop.farmer_id =
->join("crop_master", "crop_master.id = farmer_crop.crop_id","LEFT")
->join("state_master", "state_master.id =
->join("district_master", "district_master.id =
->join("taluka_master", "taluka_master.id =
->join("farmer_crop_images", "farmer_crop_images.farmer_crop_id =
->where("farmer_master.sales_id", $sales_id)
and result is
I have an array like below:
[0] => Array
[id] => 1
[farmer_name] => Mehul
[mobile] => 8401036474
[address] => Karanagar road
[village] => Nagarvel
[total_acre] => 100
[state_id] => 1
[district_id] => 10
[taluka_id] => 28
[sales_id] => 43
[created_at] => 2017-05-15 04:21:09
[state_name] => gujarat
[district_name] => bharuch
[taluka_name] => anklesvar
[crops] => 4
[acres] => 15
[crop_name] => green gram
[crops_images] => 1494836337726.jpg,1494739175265.jpg
[1] => Array
[id] => 1
[farmer_name] => Mehul
[mobile] => 8401036474
[address] => Karanagar road
[village] => Nagarvel
[total_acre] => 100
[state_id] => 1
[district_id] => 10
[taluka_id] => 28
[sales_id] => 43
[created_at] => 2017-05-15 04:21:09
[state_name] => gujarat
[district_name] => bharuch
[taluka_name] => anklesvar
[crops] => 3
[acres] => 70
[crop_name] => rice
[crops_images] => 1494836356691.jpg
And my desired result like below:
[0] => Array
[id] => 1
[farmer_name] => Mehul
[mobile] => 8401036474
[address] => Karanagar road
[village] => Nagarvel
[total_acre] => 100
[state_id] => 1
[district_id] => 10
[taluka_id] => 28
[sales_id] => 43
[created_at] => 2017-05-15 04:21:09
[state_name] => gujarat
[district_name] => bharuch
[taluka_name] => anklesvar
[crops] => Array
[0] => Array
[crop_id] => 4
[acres] => 15
[crop_name] => green gram
[crops_images] => 1494836337726.jpg,1494739175265.jpg
[1] => Array
[crop_id] => 3
[acres] => 70
[crop_name] => rice
[crops_images] => 1494836356691.jpg
You have to first take get id of farmer with unique
$ids = array_unique(array_column($array, "id"));
// print_r($ids);exit; Array ( [0] => 1 )
$farmer_list_new = array();
for($i=0; $i<count($ids); $i++)
$first_time = true;
$farmer_list_new[$i] = array();
foreach( $farmer_list as $row )
if( $ids[$i] == $row['id'] )
if( $first_time )
$first_time = false;
$farmer_list_new[$i] = array(
'id' => $row['id'] ,
'farmer_name' => $row['farmer_name'] ,
'mobile' => $row['mobile'] ,
'address' => $row['address'] ,
'village' => $row['village'] ,
'total_acre' => $row['total_acre'] ,
'state_id' => $row['state_id'] ,
'district_id' => $row['district_id'] ,
'taluka_id' => $row['taluka_id'] ,
'sales_id' => $row['sales_id'] ,
'created_at' => $row['created_at'] ,
'state_name' => $row['state_name'] ,
'district_name' => $row['district_name'],
'taluka_name' => $row['taluka_name'] ,
'crops' => array()
$crop_images = explode(",", $row['crops_images']);
foreach($crop_images as $img){
$crop_images_url[] = $img;
$img_crops = implode(",", $crop_images_url);
$farmer_list_new[$i]['crops'][] = array(
'crop_id' => $row['crops'],
'acres' => $row['acres'],
'crop_name' => $row['crop_name'],
'crops_images' => $row['crops_images'],