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react-boilerplate sagas for new route

In the sample sagas of react-boilerplate, sagas are exported as an array:

export function* defaultSaga() {


export default [

The default is then injected in routes.js:


However, when I added a new route for authentication, I get an error that says saga argument must be a Generator function! even if I only have the default sagas (same as above).

I added the route to routes.js:

export function authRoutes(store) {
  //same code as createRoutes

And imported the function to create a new route for the Router in app.js:

const rootRoute = {
  component: App,
  childRoutes: createRoutes(store),

const authRoute = {
  path: '/auth',
  component: Auth,
  childRoutes: authRoutes(store),

const routes = {
  childRoutes: [rootRoute, authRoute],

When I try to edit the default of sagas.js to:

export default function* root() {
  yield [

I get an error injectAsyncSagas: Expected "sagas" to be an array of generator functions. So what I did was to wrap sagas.default in the new route in an array:

//routes.js - authRoutes(store)
importModules.then(([reducer, sagas, component]) => {
  injectReducer('login', reducer.default);

Why am I getting those errors and how can I fix them? (I'm quite new to React and Generators.)


  • Whoops. I forgot I called store.runSaga(mySagas) in store.js when I was testing which accepts an array of generator functions. I removed it and the error disappeared.