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Symfony 2.8 : inject mocked repository in a test controller

I try to create a test for a custom controller. In this one, this is what is executed:


$users = $this->getDoctrine()

In the test controller, this is what I am doing:

$entityManager = $this
            ->setMethods(['getRepository', 'clear'])


        // Set the client
        $client = static::createClient();
        $client->getContainer()->set('doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager', $entityManager);


But at the end the test fails because my mock seems to no be used:

tests\MyBundle\Controller\ListingControllerTest::testAllAction Expectation failed for method name is equal to string:getRepository when invoked 1 time(s). Method was expected to be called 1 times, actually called 0 times.

Any idea ?


Following remarks on comments, I created a service:

        class:   MyBundle\Entity\UserRepository
        factory: ['@doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager', getRepository]
          - MyBundle\Entity\User

So now, I "just" have to mock the repo:

$userRepositoryMock = $this->getMockBuilder('MyBundle\Entity\UserRepository')


and inject it into the container:

$client->getContainer()->set('my.user.repository', $userRepositoryMock);

But I still have the same issue


  • Don't inject container/entity manager in the testing class, instead inject doctrine repositories directly. Also, don't create kernel in your test, tests should run fast.

    UPDATE 1: The testing service should require repository in constructor. So in your test you are able to replace it with mock. $client = static::createClient() is for testing controllers against the real database with fixtures (functional test). Don't use it for testing services with mocked dependencies (unit test).

    UPDATE 2: Example of unit test:

    class UserServiceTest extends UnitTestCase
        public function test_that_findAllWrapper_calls_findAllOrderedByName()
            $arrayOfUsers = [$user1, $user2];
            $userRepo = $this->getMockBuilder('AppBundle\Repository\UserRepository')
            $userService = new UserService($userRepo);
            $result = $userService->findAllWrapper();
            $this->assertEquals($arrayOfUsers, $result);
    class UserService {
        private $userRepo;
        public function __construct(UserRepository $repo)
            $this->userRepo = $repo;
        public function findAllWrapper()
            return $this->userRepo->findAllOrderedByName();