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How to instantiate SKSpriteNode spritekit swift 3

I have a 2 player space shooter game and am having trouble with the shooting part. I currently have a ship that moves it's x position with your finger. I want it to shoot strait up when the user pushes the "fire" button. So here is my question. How can I instantiate my bullet(SKSpriteNode) at the gun tip and shoot upwards when the user pushes the "fire"?


  • This is pretty basic but you need to:

    1. Create a new sprite for the bullet
    2. Position the bullet in the same place as the ship
    3. Make the bullet move to the top of the screen and then disappear.


    let bullet = SKSPriteNode(ImageNames: "bullet.png")
    bullet.position = ship.position
    bullet.zPosition = ship.zPosition - 1 // Bullet is under the ship
    let bulletMove = SKAction.moveTo(y: frame.size.height, duration: 2)   
    let bulletRemove = SKAction.removeFromParent()
    addChild(bullet)[bulletMove, bulletRemove])