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Redirect pipe acquired by proc_open() to file for remainder of process duration

Say, in PHP, I have bunch of unit tests. Say they require some service to be running.

Ideally I want my bootstrap script to:

  • start up this service
  • wait for the service to attain a desired state
  • hand control to the unit-testing framework of choice to run the tests
  • clean up when the tests end, gracefully terminating the service as appropriate
  • set up some way of capturing all output from the service along the way for logging and debugging

I'm currently using proc_open() to initialize my service, capturing the output using the pipe mechanism, checking that the service is getting to the state I need by examining the output.

However at this point I'm stumped - how can I capture the rest of the output (including STDERR) for the rest of the duration of the script, while still allowing my unit tests to run?

I can think of a few potentially long-winded solutions, but before investing the time in investigating them, I would like to know if anyone else has come up against this problem and what solutions they found, if any, without influencing the response.


Here is a cutdown version of the class I am initializing in my bootstrap script (with new ServiceRunner), for reference:


namespace Tests;

class ServiceRunner
     * @var resource[]
    private $servicePipes;

     * @var resource
    private $serviceProc;

     * @var resource
    private $temp;

    public function __construct()
        // Open my log output buffer
        $this->temp = fopen('php://temp', 'r+');

        fputs(STDERR,"Launching Service.\n");
        $this->serviceProc      = proc_open('/path/to/service', [
            0 => array("pipe", "r"),
            1 => array("pipe", "w"),
            2 => array("pipe", "w"),
        ], $this->servicePipes);

        // Set the streams to non-blocking, so stream_select() works
        stream_set_blocking($this->servicePipes[1], false);
        stream_set_blocking($this->servicePipes[2], false);

        // Set up array of pipes to select on
        $readables = [$this->servicePipes[1], $this->servicePipes[2]);

        while(false !== ($streams = stream_select($read = $readables, $w = [], $e = [], 1))) {
            // Iterate over pipes that can be read from
            foreach($read as $stream) {
                // Fetch a line of input, and append to my output buffer
                if($line = stream_get_line($stream, 8192, "\n")) {
                    fputs($this->temp, $line."\n");

                // Break out of both loops if the service has attained the desired state
                if(strstr($line, 'The Service is Listening' ) !== false) {
                    break 2;

                // If the service has closed one of its output pipes, remove them from those we're selecting on
                if($line === false && feof($stream)) {
                    $readables = array_diff($readables, [$stream]);

        /* Set up the pipes to be redirected to $this->temp here */

        register_shutdown_function([$this, 'shutDown']);

    public function shutDown()
        proc_terminate($this->serviceProc, SIGINT);
        fputs(STDERR,"Closed service\n");

        $logFile = fopen('log.txt', 'w');

        stream_copy_to_stream($this->temp, $logFile);



  • What I ended up doing, having reached the point where the service had been initialized correctly, was to redirect the pipes from the already opened process as the standard input to a cat process per-pipe, also opened by proc_open() (helped by this answer).

    This wasn't the whole story, as I got to this point and realised that the async process was hanging after a while due to the stream buffer filling up.

    The key part that I needed (having set the streams to non-blocking previously) was to revert the streams to blocking mode, so that the buffer would drain into the receiving cat processes correctly.

    To complete the code from my question:

    // Iterate over the streams that are stil open
    foreach(array_reverse($readables) as $stream) {
        // Revert the blocking mode
        stream_set_blocking($stream, true);
        $cmd = 'cat';
        // Receive input from an output stream for the previous process,
        // Send output into the internal unified output buffer
        $pipes = [
            0 => $stream,
            1 => $this->temp,
            2 => array("file", "/dev/null", 'w'),
        // Launch the process
        $this->cats[] = proc_open($cmd, $pipes, $outputPipes = []);