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How to delete all embedded objects in Word and PowerPoint using Open XML SDK?

I am trying to delete all embedded object from Word and PowerPoint files using openxml SDK. I am new to Open XML and not sure whether I am doing this correctly. Below is the code I have. My intention is to remove any objects embedded and to delete images embedded. Both codes when executed are giving errors.

Code that I tried to delete all embedded items in the document.

using (var wdDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(wordFilePath, true))
    var docPart = wdDoc.MainDocumentPart;
    var document = docPart.Document;
    var embeddedObjectsCount = docPart.EmbeddedObjectParts.Count();
    while (embeddedObjectsCount > 0)
        embeddedObjectsCount = docPart.EmbeddedObjectParts.Count();

Code that I tried to delete all images in the document. (This works partially if I don't have any objects embedded in the document.)

using (var wdDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(wordFilePath, true))
    var docPart = wdDoc.MainDocumentPart;
    var document = docPart.Document;
    var imageObjectsCount = docPart.ImageParts.Count();
    while (imageObjectsCount > 0)
        imageObjectsCount = docPart.ImageParts.Count();

When I run the above code the file I use is getting corrupted. I would like to know how to remove all embedded objects from Word without corrupting the file.

I haven't done anything on PowerPoint yet, but I hope it would be similar to Word document.


  • I managed to find a solution for my problem. I had to dive in to the concepts of Open XML SDK to get this. However, I am not so sure on whether this is the optimal solution.


    1. Remove all embedded objects in PowerPoint and Word.

    2. Remove all images in PowerPoint and Word.

    For Word

    //using Ovml = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Vml.Office;
    //Determine whether there are any Embedded Objects in the document
    using (var wdDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(wordFilePath, true))
        var docPart = wdDoc.MainDocumentPart;
        var docHasEmbeddedOleObjects = document.Body.Descendants<Ovml.OleObject>().Any();
        if (docHasEmbeddedOleObjects)
            foreach (var oleObj in document.Body.Descendants<Ovml.OleObject>())
                oleObj.Remove(); //Remove each ole object in the document. This will remove the object from view in word.
            //Delete the embedded objects. This will remove the actual attached files from the document.
            //Delete all picture in the document

    For PowerPoint

    using (var ppt = PresentationDocument.Open(powerPointFilePath, true))
        foreach (var slide in slides)
            //Remove Ole Objects
            var oleObjectCount = slide.Slide.Descendants<OleObject>().Count();
            while (oleObjectCount > 0)
                var oleObj = slide.Slide.Descendants<OleObject>().FirstOrDefault();
                var oleObjGraphicFrame = oleObj?.Ancestors<GraphicFrame>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (oleObjGraphicFrame != null)
                oleObjectCount = slide.Slide.Descendants<OleObject>().Count();
            //Delete embedded objects
            //Delete all pictures