When I click on the blue Favorites button in screen 1, I want to bring up the list of favorites (screen 2) and then click on the green Favorites button to get to screen 3. However, when I click on the Favorites button in screen 1, I immediately go to screen 3. How do I fix this?
||----------Screen 1 -----------||------------ Screen 2 ---------||-----------Screen 3-----------||
#Show favorites page (Click blue favorites button)
$.favoritesButton.on Events.Click, ->
#Show list of names
#Hide blue favorites button & show green favorites button 2
#Send to all favorites (Click on the green favorites button 2)
$.favoritesButton2.on Events.Click, ->
#Show Send to All Favorites Page
#Hide green favorites button 2 & blue favorites button, so can show pink + white favorites button
State "on" means turn opacity to 1 and state "default" means opacity to 0. The green Favorites button 2 is on top of the blue Favorites button.
Solved! I realized I just needed to move the blue Favorites button on top of the green Favorites button.
#Place Favorites button on top of favorites button 2
#Show favorites page (Click favorites button)
$.favoritesButton.on Events.Click, ->
#Show list of names
#Hide blue favorites button & show green favorites button 2
#Place Favorites button 2 on top of favorites button
#Send to ALL favorites (Click on the green favorites button 2)
$.favoritesButton2.on Events.Click, ->
#Show Send to All Favorites Page
#Hide green favorites button 2 & blue favorites button, so can show pink + white favorites button
State "off" means turn opacity to 0.