I'm consuming this SDK on my project: Pollexor
I would like to create a generic/main method to accept any request from other methods.
static String thumborGetURL(String alias, String imageUrl) {
thumborUrlBuilder( alias, imageUrl )
.crop( 299, 296, 301, 297 )
.resize( 300, 300 )
private static ThumborUrlBuilder thumborUrlBuilder(String alias, String imageUrl) {
Thumbor thumbor = Thumbor.create( 'http://localhost:8000', 'MY-SECURITY-KEY' )
thumbor.buildImage( imageUrl )
static String thumborCrop(String alias, String imageUrl) {
thumborGetURL( alias, imageUrl )
How I can make the .crop, .resize, .toUrl and other methods and their parameters from the SDK to be called dynamically from one variable of type Map
e.g.? Is that possible?
If you have method's name and it's arguments you can try the following:
def method(String a, String b) {
println "a: $a, b: $b"
def args = ['c', 'd']
def name = 'method'
If list's arguments length is invalid an exception will be thrown.