I'd like to write two log files using tee, first log file as txt, second log file as json
Tee is working for two txt files, but can't get jq to work with tee...
My code:
echo "start process $(date -u)" | tee -a $logfilename.txt >> jq . $logfilename.json
echo "logfilename" $logfilename | tee -a $logfilename.txt >> jq . $logfilename.json
Console output:
tee: .: Is a directory
tee: .: Is a directory
Log files output:
start process Mon May 15 03:14:09 UTC 2017
logfilename log_download_2017
Based on your description, it looks like you want:
echo "start process $(date -u)" | tee -a "$logfilename.txt" | jq . >> "$logfilename.json"