I am trying to implicitly add functions to the Symbol
class through two levels of implicits (as described here).
Consider the following code:
case class A(s: Symbol)
case class B(s: A) {
def +[X](s: X)(implicit xtoa: X=>A) = B(xtoa(s))
implicit def xToB[X](s: X)(implicit xtoa: X => A) = B(xtoa(s))
implicit def symbolToA(s: Symbol) = A(s)
val x = 'a + 'b
This program does not compile:
Error: value + is not a member of Symbol
It seems that the problem is that instead of picking the implicits defined in the snipped, scala converts 'a
with the any2stringadd
function. In fact, the following two experiments seem to make the code compile:
(like add
for instance)any2stringadd
in the imports: import Predef.{any2stringadd => _ , _}
I don't like either solution. My question is, is there any other way to rephrase my program to convince scala to select my implicits instead?
NB.: I'm using scala 2.12.1. Interestingly, IntelliJ does not complain about this snippet.
You can bring another thing named any2stringadd into scope.
object myDsl {
object any2stringadd
case class A(s: Symbol)
case class B(s: A) {
def +[X](s: X)(implicit xtoa: X=>A) = B(xtoa(s))
implicit def xToB[X](s: X)(implicit xtoa: X => A) = B(xtoa(s))
implicit def symbolToA(s: Symbol) = A(s)
import myDsl._
val x = 'a + 'b