New to ElasticSearch and I was wondering if there is a way to construct conditional queries/filters. I am working with Rails, so I suppose it has to be on that particular level, as I couldn't find anything that points to conditional queries at ES-Level and I am pretty sure it was silly just to assume!
So here is the (working) query I have:
search_definition = {
query: {
bool: {
must: [
more_like_this: {
fields: tag_types,
docs: [
_index: self.class.index_name,
_type: self.class.document_type,
_id: id
min_term_freq: 1
should: [
range: {
age: {
gte: min_age,
lte: max_age,
boost: 4.0
filter: {
bool: {
must: [
term: {
active: true
must: [
geo_distance: {
distance: xdistance,
unit: "km",
location: {
lat: xlat,
lon: xlng
boost: 5.0
size: how_many
And it works perfectly fine. Now let's assume I'd like to apply additional filters, in this particular example I need to verify when the user who is searching, that the users on the other end are, in fact, looking for a person of gender for whoever is searching. This is held in 2 separate boolean attributes in the database (male/female). I thought it would be simple enough to prepare two similar filters - however, there are a few more conditional filters that run into the queries, and I would eventually end up with more than ten pre-prepared filters. There must be a more elegant way! Thank you!
Are you familiar with elasticsearch search templates
Using search templates you can have conditional
and dynamic
queries. for example you can have a list of fields and values to do terms filter and pass it to search template as a parameter.