So I use a program where I script mods in lua, the lua is in a sandbox state, meaning most functions are blocked like IO and OS, I can't even use REQUIRE to add libs. I need to have a function that unzips files in one of my mods and I don't seem to find a way. Is there anyway to do it? If it's not possible in an easy way, is it possible to hack the program .exe or dlls to re-enable those functions in the lua?
Thank you in advance, Regards
There are decompression librarys in pure Lua, you should be able to embed these in any environment that allows loading Lua scripts:
If you can't access any files at all, you could try a simple packer:
#!/usr/bin/env lua
local files = arg
local w = io.write
local function pack(...) return {...} end
w("files = {\n")
for i, filename in ipairs(arg) do
w('\t["' ..filename .. '"] = "')
local file = assert(, "r"), "Can't open file!")
local data = file:read("*a")
data = data:gsub("\a", "\\a")
:gsub("\\", "\\\\")
:gsub("\f", "\\f")
:gsub("\n", "\\n")
:gsub("\r", "\\r")
:gsub("\t", "\\t")
:gsub("\v", "\\v")
:gsub('"', '\\"')
:gsub("'", "\\'")
w(data, '",\n')
function require(path)
local data = assert(files[path..".lua"], "file not found")
local func = assert(loadstring(data))
local _, ret = assert(pcall(func))
return ret
w('require("', arg[1]:match("^(.-)%.lua$"),'")\n')
This should create a script like this:
$ ./packer.lua init.lua
files = {
["init.lua"] = "for k,v in pairs(arg) do\n\tprint(k,v)\nend\n",
function require(path)
local data = assert(files[path..".lua"], "file not found")
local func = assert(loadstring(data))
local _, ret = assert(pcall(func))
return ret