I want to print the uptime for a jvm which is running on my machine. I can do that using jcmd
. However I want to print it out in minutes. So, I tried the following:
bash-3.2$echo $(($(jcmd 785 VM.uptime)/60))
However this isn't working. I get the following error:
bash-3.2$ echo $(($(jcmd 785 VM.uptime)/60))
bash: 785:
1541.343 s/60: syntax error in expression (error token is ":
1541.343 s/60")
If I assign $(jcmd 785 VM.uptime)
to a variable first and substitute that into the arithmetic expression, it still doesn't work. Any idea how I can get this to work?
Your output is not an integer, and has a character 's'. You should cut unnecessary part:
echo $(( $(jcmd 785 VM.uptime |sed 's/^\([[:digit:]]*\).*$/\1/')/60 ))
echo "scale=4;$(jcmd 785 VM.uptime |sed 's/ s//')/60" |bc
-- this will give you a float value.