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how to store session data into custom storage in bot builder

I am using node js to build chat bot.

I'm currently storing session data into Microsoft default storage, which have a limit of 64K per user session. I want to use my own storage to store session data. Here is what I got help from Microsoft developer.

I am able to store in document DB and Azure table.

Still, I am confused. How we will implement the IStorageClient interface to store in own DB?

Whenever I set"" it should store in own DB.


  • I written code to store bot data into Mongo Db. Full code and details can find in BotBuilder-MongoDB

    IstorageClient Interface implementation code:

    "use strict";
    var Consts = require('./Consts');
    var mongodb_1 = require("mongodb");
    var replaceDot_Atrate = require("./replaceDot");
    var mongoDbConnection = require('./connection.js');
    var conf = require('../config');
    var conversational_collname = conf.db.conversationalCollection;
    var IStorageClient = (function () {
        function IStorageClient(options) {
            this.options = options;
        IStorageClient.prototype.retrieve = function (partitionKey, rowKey, callback) {
            var id = partitionKey + ',' + rowKey;
                var query={"$and":[{"userid":id}]}
                    mongoDbConnection(function(err,db) {
                    var iterator= db.collection(conversational_collname).find(query);
                    iterator.toArray(function (error, result, responseHeaders) {
                        if (error) {
                            callback(error, null, null);
                        else if (result.length == 0) {
                            callback(null, null, null);
                        else {
                            var document_1 = result[0];
                            var finaldoc=replaceDot_Atrate.substituteKeyDeep(document_1, /\@/g, '.');
                            callback(null, finaldoc, null);
                var query={"$and":[{"userid":partitionKey}]}
                mongoDbConnection(function(err,db) { 
                    var iterator= db.collection(conversational_collname).find(query);
                    iterator.toArray(function (error, result, responseHeaders) {
                        if (error) {
                            callback(error, null, null);
                        else if (result.length == 0) {
                            //console.log("result length 0")
                            callback(null, null, null);
                        else {
                            var document_1 = result[0];
                            callback(null, document_1, null);
        IStorageClient.prototype.initialize = function (callback) {
            var _this = this;
            var client=mongodb_1.MongoClient;
            this.client = client;
            mongoDbConnection(function(err,database) {    
                    _this.database = database;
                    _this.collection = database.collection(conversational_collname);
        IStorageClient.prototype.insertOrReplace = function (partitionKey, rowKey, entity, isCompressed, callback) {
            var id=partitionKey + ',' + rowKey
            var docDbEntity = { id: partitionKey + ',' + rowKey, data: entity, isCompressed: isCompressed };
                var newEntitiy=replaceDot_Atrate.substituteKeyDeep(entity, /\./g, '@');
                var conditions1 = {
                    'userid': id
                var updateobj1 = {
                    "$set": {"data":newEntitiy,"isCompressed":false}
                mongoDbConnection(function(error,db) {    
                    db.collection(conversational_collname).update(conditions1,updateobj1,{upsert: true},function(err,res){
                    callback(error, null,"");
                var conditions = {
                    'userid': partitionKey
                var update = {
                    "$set": {"data":entity}
                mongoDbConnection(function(error,db) {    
                    db.collection(conversational_collname).update(conditions,update,{upsert: true},function(err,res){
                    callback(error, null,"");
        IStorageClient.getError = function (error) {
            if (!error)
                return null;
            return new Error('Error Code: ' + error.code + ' Error Body: ' + error.body);
        return IStorageClient;
    exports.IStorageClient = IStorageClient;