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C#: Custom number formatting in rigth to left languages

I am trying to write a number with a custom formatting in a right-to-left textbox(actually in a listview but whatever). here is the code:

NumberFormatInfo nfi = (NumberFormatInfo)
nfi.NumberGroupSeparator = " ";
textbox1.Text = (18700).ToString("#,###",nfi);

instead of 18 700 i get 700 18. can i fix this(get the required 18 700) without manipulating the string after number to string conversion?


  • Instead of a space, use a no-break space. It's character is (char)0x00A0 or '\u00A0' in C#. You can also type it using keyboard using Alt+255.

    So you can set NumberGroupSeparator this way:

    nfi.NumberGroupSeparator = "\u00A0";