I am trying to draw a line between two lat/long points on a US map. I have circles indicating the origin and destination, however when I try to draw the line nothing is appearing. No errors are being thrown.
I'm able to manually draw a line between those points by writing:
.attr("x1", projection(data[0])[0])
.attr("y1", projection(data[0])[1])
.attr("x2", projection(data[1])[0])
.attr("y2", projection(data[1])[1])
.attr("stroke-width", 1)
.attr("stroke", "black");
But this isn't a sustainable approach since my dataset will consist of thousands of lat/long pairs.
Hoping someone can point my code in the right direction. I hope I'm close since no errors are being thrown. Or maybe I'm taking a horrible approach to drawing lines between points, in which case someone let me know before I am too far down the rabbit hole. Here is a working Plunker to my code.
Thanks in advance.
Plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/ooLkR8iec5NKx0Ns1zcD?p=preview
You seem to understand the data join based on your creation of the circles
.attr("cx", function (d) {return projection(d)[0]; })
.attr("cy", function (d) { return projection(d)[1]; })
There's no reason you cannot do the same for lines.
.attr("x1", d=>projection(d[0])[0])
.attr("y1", d=>projection(d[0])[1])
.attr("x2", d=>projection(d[1])[0])
.attr("y2", d=>projection(d[1])[1])
Notice what i did to the initial data structure, and how I modified it to work with circles vs lines.
By the way, the attribute d
is for the path
element only.